Transfer pricing services india
We are a professionally managed organization, we Prepare transfer pricing documentation and issue Transfer Pricing Certificate. call us on +91-9246536701
- Transfer Pricing Documentation India offers the clients / customers Qualitative and intelligent online Transfer pricing Documentation work, on the basis of the inputs.
- further we provide, appropriate tax advice and counseling at fixing the arm's length price and adoption of the most appropriate method are also proposed.
- This documentation differs from industry to industry and company to company, but on the transfer pricing laws and concepts. , we will provide similar functional comparison of the public databases locally and globally available, after comparing the FAR analysis ( FAR:. functional, asset and risk analysis), based on market and economic conditions , the TP study involves the simultaneous data analysis and research from public databases in the analysis of correct and similar feature comparison. How transfer pricing study / documentation together:
In the following the different steps / stages during the preparation of the TP study are: - Brief Profile of the Company tesed Party and the A.Es.
- Identification and analysis of transaction planning and budgeting industry and market analysis
- selection analysis
- functional, assets and risks and characterization of entities
- Economic Analysis
- Selection of most appropriate method application, the most suitable Method Analysis and Market Research Final list of comparable companies